​Other professional services

13:40:05 14/10/2021

Consulting and providing solution to professional projects on TV Broadcasting and IT

Basing on VTC’s more than 30 years of competence and experience in investing and deploying of service provision of multimedia convergence: TV broadcasting - Telecommunications Electronics - IT, VTC Digital has effectively deployed several professional projects on consulting, provision and integration of equipment and solutions that enable to create a synchronous process: Manipulation management, Production - Storage - Processing and Transmission of customers’ contents.

Consulting and providing service of Digital Transformation support to news and media organizations

With a base of its competence and experience in projects on TV broadcasting, with innovative and creative thought in responding to the demand on the national digital transformation, VTC Digital has deployed the projects on consultation, provision, integration of solutions for supporting the digital transformation. This kind of business is to provide the news and media organizations with IoT, cloud-based solutions to multimedia contents on multiplatform (MAM, OTT, E-news). 

Providing solutions and applications service to activities of grassroots information.

VTC Digital offers the service of providing solutions and applications to activities of grassroots information which provides the information from administration and monitoring levels, assesses the effectiveness of grassroots information activities over the nation. The solution builds a system that helps integrate with the National Government Service Platform (NGSP) and the Local Government Service Platform (LGSP), other available and/or the future ready information system. The solution offers to build digitalized database for the needs on information storage and distribution serving activities of communication in local units and to assess of effectiveness of grassroots information activities over the nation for state administration.